The net result of cutting is two products; the waste or excess material and the desired product. The waste is the result of the subtractive (material removing).
I actually did not make any work specifically for the show. The installation is a secondary result of making.
My primary concern is with the process itself and the power of the material and its inherent capacity. Equally, emphasis is on moving away from conceiving the artwork as a finished product.
I do not work in an overly scripted way; rather the focus is on the experience of living thru the work. The content resides in its intentions rather than as a static and enduring object.
All of these pieces are the result of work, the byproduct of effort. They document my time, the material and process i employ, leaving its traces. They are in various states of exhaustion and reveal its consumer; traces of wood pitch, tarpaper, plastic, foam, ferrous and non ferrous metals. There is an inherent tension in the pieces. Metal has memory and when bent tries to return to its original position.
I am interested in time, process and material, emphasizing the process and its making so that the residue is the form.